Walkthrough: Create Android Automation Test


  • Understand how to locate mobile app controls
  • Master Android mobile phone automated testing process


  • Dependencies:
    • Android SDK
    • Android phone or emulator
    • Appium
  • Application Under Test (AUT): API Demo shipped with Appium


New Project

Open CukeTest, "File"--"New Project" Choose "Mobile", input project name "APIDemoTest" and select project path, then click "Create"。

CukeTest will automatically create a automation script project based on mobile template. Please run the npm install command to install the project dependencies in the project directory.

Prepare AUT

The app to be tested can be downloaded from: https://github.com/appium/sample-code/tree/master/sample-code/apps/ApiDemos/bin, try to download it and install on your own mobile device.

Create Test Scenarios

Open the file and enter the following in the "Visual" interface:

The corresponding "text" view content is:

Feature: appim demo
Sample for using CukeTest to do BDD's automated test on the mobile phone.

  Scenario: API Demo Page Transition
    Given If you click on the app to jump to the App page
    When clicking Action Bar on the App page
    Then the page should jump to the Action Bar page, which should contain "Action Bar Mechanics"

Implement Test Automation Code

  1. Get device serial number:

    adb devices
    List of devices attached
    Y15QKCPH278J4   device
  2. Get the app package and start the activity Run command adb logcat | findstr START, open Demo API app manually, read the info similiar to the following from the log:

    [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=io.appium.android.apis/.ApiDemos bnds=[16,640][188,832] (has extras)} from uid
    10013 from pid 1943 on display 0 from pid 1943

    get the package/activity info, which is io.appium.android.apis/.ApiDemos

  3. Modify driver definition code

    Open file support\get_driver.js, modify the content of devicesName, appPackage, appActivity. the content of it is:

    const webdriverio = require('webdriverio');
      //Set the parameters for testing the application
      let options = {
        desiredCapabilities: {
            platformName: "Android",
            deviceName: "Y15QKCPH278J4", //Serial#
            platformVersion: "5.1", //Android version
            appPackage: "io.appium.android.apis", //package name
            appActivity: ".ApiDemos", //activity name
            resetKeyboard: true,  
            noReset: true,
            unicodeKeyboard: true
        host: "",
        port: 4723
      //Create a WebDriverIO instance based on the parameter configuration;
      function createDriver() {
        const client = webdriverio.remote(options);
        return client;
      exports.driver = createDriver();

  4. Test automation code Open features/feature1.feature file, click the gray button on each step to generate a sample automation script.

    Use the uiautomatorviewer tool to navigate to client elements

    Implemnt step defintion functions defined in "step_definitons/definitoins.js":

    const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber')
      const assert = require('assert');
      const { driver } = require('../support/get_driver');
      const { $ } = require('webdriverio')
      //// Your step definition /////
      Given("If you click on the app to jump to the App page", async function () {
        await driver.click('android=new UiSelector().text("App").index(2)')
      When("clicking Action Bar on the App page", async function () {
          await driver.click('android=new UiSelector().text("Action Bar").index(0)');
      Then("the page should jump to the Action Bar page, which should contain {string}", async function (arg1) {
        let texts =  await driver.getText('android=new UiSelector().textStartsWith("Action")');
        return assert.ok(texts.includes(text));

Run the Project

  1. Start Appium

    [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.8.1
    [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
  2. Run the Project

    Click the Run Project button to start the running, and then you should be able to get the following report

results matching ""

    No results matching ""