Remote Automation

CukeTest provides remote automation that can be created and completed locally and complete the automation test items running in the remote system. The entire remote automation function can be divided into the following three parts:

  1. Remote excution/playback
  2. Remote detection
  3. Remote recording

The above operation only requires the remote system to install remote automation execution station program (50+MB), and this executive station program supports the operation of the entire platform.

Of course, the local end still requires the installation of Cuketest (200MB+).

The advantage of remote automation is:

  1. Debug a desktop automation script. The desktop automation will operate the keyboard mouse, making it difficult to debug the code on the same machine. In remote automation, single -step debugging will not be disturbed by the automation operation screen.
  2. Automate embedded or old device. Embedded devices and old device are usually low, or even 32-bit systems. The editing interface of the automated testing tool cannot be installed or running. Through remote automation, you only need to install a smaller executive station program on the embedded device.
  3. Automate a variety of platforms on the same machine to generate integrated reports.

Remote Excution/Playback

CukeTest supports the automation operating script to the remote-end execution. Remote automation scripts can be directly modified from [#record) directly from remote recording. At present, there is the following automation support for remote operation:

Remote Mode

When the execution station is activated on the remote end, you can connect to the remote end desktop in the Model Manager to directly spy the addition of controls in the remote end. First click the remote connection button of the toolbar and connect to the remote end using the IP address. After the connection is established, the interface of the remote end will be displayed. The following operations will also switch to the remote mode accordingly:

  • Launch application -> Launch the application in the remote desktop
  • Add object -> Add objects from remote desktop
  • Highlight/Screenshots -> Highlight/Screenshot remote desktop control control

Remote Preview

After the remote connection is established, a new window will be opened to preview the remote desktop. Subsequent detection and Gao Liang can be operated and displayed in the window, which avoids the problem that needs to be operated to the remote physical machine. In addition, the toolbar at the top of the preview window provides some functions:

  • Connect to remote desktop screen: When multiple screens are connected to the remote end, you can specify the screen to be previewed in the drop -down box.
  • Refresh: Forced brushing the preview interface, you will re -get the remote desktop information. In addition, it will automatically refresh the preview when the local manager operates by default.
  • Close and disconnect: Close the window and end the remote connection.

In addition, dragging the toolbar can move the preview window, and dragging the window edge can change the window size.

Remote Spying

After the remote connection is established, the controls in the remote desktop can be detected and added to the model. The operation method is exactly the same as the local detection. It is only changed to click the control in the preview window to complete the detection.

Remote Highlight

After the remote connection is established, the control highlight operation will be executed in the remote desktop preview window, rather than the high -end control control, even if the control is also existed on the local end.

Remote Recording

By remote recording function, users can complete the remote recording operation on the local end and generate a script of remote execution/playback.

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