CukeTest Editions & Licenses

Free to Start

CukeTest is available in multiple editions and does not require multiple downloads. Simply obtain and install the appropriate license and you will get the corresponding version.

CukeTest Lite is completely free to use, and it can meet your learning and automation testing needs for small companies. There is no expiration date for Lite version.

With Lite edition, you can:

  • Edit multiple feature files visually
  • Develop automation projects that contains 30 scenarios
  • Call all internal built-in automated libraries (with a certain amount)
  • Community support

License Types

1. Editions Types

With the installation of license, you can upgrade to Pro (Professional Edition) or Enterprise (Enterprise Edition) and get related capabilities. The following are the usage scenarios for the different versions:

  • CukeTest Lite:When you download CukeTest for the first time, you will automatically get the free CukeTest Lite for your learning and small-scale automation needs.
  • CukeTest Pro:If you are developing automation tests for Web, Mobile or API, Pro edition will be your right choice. Pro Edition supports seat license.
  • CukeTest Enterprise:If you are doing automation testing for enterprise applications, especially doing heavily automation on Windows desktop applications, such as .NET, WPF, QT, Delphi, etc., CukeTest Enterprise Edition is more appropriate for you. The Enterprise Edition supports both seat licenses and concurrent licenses.

At the same time CukeTest supports Windows, Windows Store, Mac, Linux platforms, the following are the editions provided on different platforms:

Platforms Available Editions
Windows Lite、Pro、Enterprise
Windows Store Lite
Mac Lite、Pro
Linux Pro、Enterprise

Below are the quota of different CukeTest editions.

Quota per project Lite Pro Enterprise
Scenarios 30 Unlimited Unlimited
Automation APIs(e.g. Windows automation、OCR、Image library etc.) 500 5000 Unlimited
Video Recording 3 minutes Unlimited Unlimited
License Free Seat License Seat License, Concurrent License

For the more details about quota information, please consult our technical sales.

In addition, professional and enterprise editions receive technical support from professional support engineers and is eligible to raise product customization requests.

2. License Installation Type

CukeTest supports the installation of seat licenses and concurrent licenses. seat licenses are available in Pro and Enterprise editions, and concurrent licenses are only available in Enterprise edition.

  1. Concurrent License

    A.K.A. float license. This type of license is not tied to a specific user. A software product license shared by multiple team members; however, the total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number of floating licenses purchased. For example, if you purchased one floating license for the CukeTest software product, any user within your company can use the product at any time. If another person wants to access the product and wants to unlock the licensed quota, he must wait for the current user to close the software.

    Specifically, when a user launches the product, the product is configured to point to a license server, a license is checked out to this specific computer that the user uses. When a user exits the the application, the license is released and is available to other users. To use floating licenses, you must obtain floating license keys and install them on the license server. This server responds to end-user requests for access to license keys; it grants access to concurrent users that match the number of licenses purchased by your company.

  2. Seat License

    This type of license is licensed to a single user and can be activated on a limited number of computers used by that user. Refer to Install License (Single-User Version) to install the single-user license.

3. License Term Type

License may have different term types, including permanent license and term license:

  1. Permanent License The license is permanent after installation and supports free upgrades. A permenant license also includes first year technical support services.

  2. Term License The license is valid for a certain period of time. After it expires, CukeTest will automatically downgrade to the Lite version. We currently offer a one-year term license.

You can purchase combinations of the above types as needed, such as:

  1. Single user permanent professional license
  2. Single user professional term License
  3. Permanent enterprise float License

When no license is installed or license expires, you will be using free Lite version.

Install Licenses

  • The CukeTest on Windows Store only supports Lite license, if you want to upgrade to Pro, please install other editions.

  • For other Lite editions, to upgrade to Pro edition, you can Contact us first to acquire the license. Once the license is acquired, then follow the instructions on Install Seat License to install license, which will also upgrade your CukeTest to Pro edition.

  • To upgrade to Enterprise edition, you can also Contact us to purchase license first, and we will provide the license server installation manual together with the license. Also, our professional technical engineer will guide you through the installation and use.

Already Subscribed?

On Windows Store version, if the purchase is successful but you find CukeTest somehow still shows that you are using Free edition, you can open "Purchase" dialog by clicking Help => About menu => "upgrade", and then click "Refresh" button to update the purchase info from Windows Store again. Please note that you need to have network access in order to query status successfully.

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