Walkthrough: Operating Table in Qt Application

You can find complete project from sample page. For the automation of TableView/TableWidget components in Qt; The sample application used in this walkthrough is dockwidgets;


In Qt applications, tables are sometimes used to display/process data. These tables are implemented using Qt's QTableView or QTableWidget components, and are uniformly recognized as Table control processing in CukeTest. When it comes to tabular data, you have to mention a series of operations surrounding the table, as well as the interaction with Excel, CSV, and even the database. This exercise is aimed at automating a series of operations around tables in Qt applications.

the goal

Learn how to use CukeTest to operate Qt tables and the interactive operations between Qt tables and other table applications to realize automated processing.

  1. Read the data in the xlsx table file;
  2. Read and write tables in the application;
  3. Write the data to the xlsx file;
  4. Write the data to the MySQL database;
  5. Write the data to the CSV file;

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