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Version: 1.15


Dockerfile.focal can be used to run Playwright scripts in Docker environment. These image includes all the dependencies needed to run browsers in a Docker container, and also include the browsers themselves.


This image is published on Docker Hub.

Pull the image#

docker pull

or pinned to a specific Playwright version (recommended). Replace 1.10.0 with your Playwright version:

docker pull

Run the image#

By default, the Docker image will use the root user to run the browsers. This will disable the Chromium sandbox which is not available with root. If you run trusted code (e.g. End-to-end tests) and want to avoid the hassle of managing separate user then the root user may be fine. For web scraping or crawling, we recommend to create a separate user inside the Docker container and use the seccomp profile.

End-to-end tests#

On trusted websites, you can avoid creating a separate user and use root for it since you trust the code which will run on the browsers.

docker run -it --rm --ipc=host /bin/bash

Crawling and scraping#

On untrusted websites, it's recommended to use a separate user for launching the browsers in combination with the seccomp profile. Inside the container or if you are using the Docker image as a base image you have to use adduser for it.

docker run -it --rm --ipc=host --user pwuser --security-opt seccomp=seccomp_profile.json /bin/bash

seccomp_profile.json is needed to run Chromium with sandbox. This is a default Docker seccomp profile with extra user namespace cloning permissions:

[  {    "comment": "Allow create user namespaces",    "names": [      "clone",      "setns",      "unshare"    ],    "action": "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW",    "args": [],    "includes": {},    "excludes": {}  }]

Using --ipc=host is recommended when using Chrome (Docker docs). Chrome can run out of memory without this flag.

Using on CI#

See our Continuous Integration guides for sample configs.

Image tags#

See all available image tags.

Docker images are published automatically by GitHub Actions. We currently publish images with the following tags (v1.10.0 in this case is an example:):

  • :next - tip-of-tree image version based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • :next-focal - tip-of-tree image version based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • :next-bionic - tip-of-tree image version based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
  • :bionic - last Playwright release docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
  • :focal - last Playwright release docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).
  • :v1.10.0 - Playwright v1.10.0 release docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).
  • :v1.10.0-focal - Playwright v1.10.0 release docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).
  • :v1.10.0-bionic - Playwright v1.10.0 release docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
  • :sha-XXXXXXX - docker image for every commit that changed docker files or browsers, marked with a short sha (first 7 digits of the SHA commit).

Status of push to MCR can be verified here (internal link).

Base images#

We currently publish images based on the following Ubuntu versions:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa), image tags include focal
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), image tags include bionic


Browser builds for Firefox and WebKit are built for the glibc library. Alpine Linux and other distributions that are based on the musl standard library are not supported.


Build the image#

Use //utils/docker/ to build the image.

./utils/docker/ focal playwright:localbuild-focal

The image will be tagged as playwright:localbuild-focal and could be run as:

docker run --rm -it playwright:localbuild /bin/bash