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Version: 1.15


Dialog objects are dispatched by page via the page.on('dialog') event.

An example of using Dialog class:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');  // Or 'firefox' or 'webkit'.
(async () => {  const browser = await chromium.launch();  const page = await browser.newPage();  page.on('dialog', async dialog => {    console.log(dialog.message());    await dialog.dismiss();  });  await page.evaluate(() => alert('1'));  await browser.close();})();

Dialogs are dismissed automatically, unless there is a page.on('dialog') listener. When listener is present, it must either dialog.accept([promptText]) or dialog.dismiss() the dialog - otherwise the page will freeze waiting for the dialog, and actions like click will never finish.


  • promptText <string> A text to enter in prompt. Does not cause any effects if the dialog's type is not prompt. Optional.#
  • returns: <Promise<void>>#

Returns when the dialog has been accepted.


If dialog is prompt, returns default prompt value. Otherwise, returns empty string.


Returns when the dialog has been dismissed.


A message displayed in the dialog.


Returns dialog's type, can be one of alert, beforeunload, confirm or prompt.